Johannes Boog, PhD


I was trained as environmental process engineer and got into experimental research on treatment wetlands. There, I developed a keen interest in data analysis, statistics, subsurface hydrology and obtained a PhD in numerical reactive transport modeling. Now my interest focus on environmental data science, applied machine-learning and research software engineering.
If not at the desk, I (still like/have to) tweak my camping car and explore the world through climbing, mountaineering and traveling.


Research Software Engineering

NetCDF2vtu is a Python module for geospatial data mapping from NetCDF4 to VTU.

r2ogs6 is an R wrapper to the geoscientific multi-physics simulator OpenGeoSys-v6. See the submitted manuscript..

R-Shiny app for access and interactive visualization of treatment wetland research data.

Environmental Data Science

Soil moisture prediction with machine-learning in Python. See the Code and submitted manuscript.

Statistical data exploration and modeling to evaluate different types of treatment wetland technologies for removing emerging organic compounds from wastewater. See the publication.

Computational Hydrology

Application of Bayesian Optimization for a resource-efficient calibration of a numerical groundwater flow model with R-package r2ogs5 and OpenGeoSys-v5. See the Data analysis code and publication

Numerical modeling of treatment wetlands: In my PhD I investigated the impact of aeration in treatment wetlands on treatment performance by conducting experiments and numerical process modeling. See the thesis and publications (1, 2, 3, 4) and